Organized every 3 years over a 5-day period, alternately in the… Ngwenya Ngwenya2022-04-22 12:20:132022-05-19 10:05:58Africities 2022 in Kisumu, Kenya: We are There!
In the run-up to the Africities 9 summit scheduled for 17 to… Ngwenya Ngwenya2022-04-01 14:55:582022-05-19 10:06:19Road to Africities 9: The big interview with… M. Sule Salifu, Mayor de Tamale (Ghana): “This Summit must be an avenue for sharing experience and best practices among the leadership of the various cities “
In the run-up to the Africities 9 summit scheduled for 17 to… Ngwenya Ngwenya2022-03-17 15:06:512022-05-19 10:06:31Road to Africities 9: The big interview with…Prof. Peter Anyang’ Nyong’o, Governor of Kisumu County (Kenya): “We may have to come up with a common understanding at the continental level on how to restructure our cities “
In the run-up to the Africities 9 summit scheduled for 17 to… 08:43:172022-01-03 08:49:42Road to Africities 9: The big interview with…Mohamed Sefiani, Mayor of Chefchaoeun (Morocco): “We must understand that intermediary cities are the solution”
Lupita Nyong’o: Goodwill Ambassador for the 9th Africities Summit (PRESS RELEASE)
Africities 2022 in Kisumu, Kenya: We are There!
Road to Africities 9: The big interview with… M. Sule Salifu, Mayor de Tamale (Ghana): “This Summit must be an avenue for sharing experience and best practices among the leadership of the various cities “
Road to Africities 9: The big interview with…Prof. Peter Anyang’ Nyong’o, Governor of Kisumu County (Kenya): “We may have to come up with a common understanding at the continental level on how to restructure our cities “
Road to Africities 9: The big interview with…Mohamed Sefiani, Mayor of Chefchaoeun (Morocco): “We must understand that intermediary cities are the solution”