Lamia Bazir
Directrice Exécutive, Observatoire National des Droits de l’Enfant ONDE
Lamia BAZIR is the new Executive Director of the National Observatory for the Rights of the Child, the organization chaired by Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Meryem and a true reference, federator and impetus for structural projects in favour of children in Morocco. At only 28 years old, this young laureate from Columbia University in New York, and Sciences Po Paris, and more recently from Harvard University, already has a rich professional experience. She worked for the Head of Government of Morocco for more than three years on the development of programs focused on education, employability, and inclusive growth. She was a representative on the United Nations Economic and Social Council in New York during the elaboration of the Sustainable Development Goals and also worked for the Ambassador of the Arab League in Paris, and with the Transparency International Organization in Africa, particularly in Niger. In parallel to her career, Bazir is also an activist in rural Morocco. She is the founder and President of Empowering Women in the Atlas, a foundation that promotes and strengthens the leadership of rural women and girls as a catalyst for development. His efforts and the sincerity of his commitment are recognized. In 2015, she was honoured by the United Nations with the United Nations Volunteer Award. In 2016, she was the youngest to be selected among the "60 Most Influential Women in Morocco" by Challenge Magazine.