Open Sessions


19 May

19 May

14:30 to 18:00

Venue: Room 10


United Cities and Local Governments of Africa

Tel: +212(0)537 260 062




UCLG AFRICA/ALGA, ADEME Agency, France & 4C Morocco
According to the Director of the Institut de la Francophonie pour le développement durable (IFDD) in 2018, there are at least two reasons why the context of Africa is particularly conducive to the implementation of acceleration initiatives access to energy and the consolidation of clean, sustainable, resilient and inclusive energy models: -   Need to accelerate access: the continent is home to more than half of the world's citizens without access to electricity; -   Opportunity to adopt sustainable energy production models: two thirds of the additional energy production capacities to achieve universal access in 2030 still have to be built for the African continent, at a historic moment when the technological and commercial maturity of the continent converge. exploitation of renewable energies. Still according to the IFDD, the challenges of this energy transition towards sustainable energies are part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 7 and SDG 13 in particular) and must occupy a prominent place in local public policies. In addition to the high mitigation potential in terms of climate change, the control and access to renewable energies contribute to the improvement of school results, business activities, health conditions as well as to broad socio-economic benefits. Following COP26, the African Development Bank (AfDB) was promised donations valued at $136 million to strengthen the actions of the Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA) (Website:, 2021 ). The stakes of access to sustainable energy are therefore considerable for African cities, in particular for intermediary cities. Indeed, cities are often the best places to identify gaps in access to affordable energy among vulnerable groups in territories and communities. Cities can contribute directly to energy efficiency by investing in energy-efficient buildings and green energy sources in public institutions (town hall offices, schools, health centers, etc.) and by introducing criteria sustainability in public procurement. Such initiatives can have the added benefit of reducing public energy expenditure. Also in cities, public policies and strategies on urban planning and urban transport, as well as the integration of technologies in smart cities can have a significant impact on energy efficiency and carbon emissions. It seems obvious, it's far from easy to implement because the challenges are enormous for cities, and especially for intermediary cities. It is within this framework that UCLG Africa, through its ALGA Academy, the ADEME Agency and the 4C-Morocco Center have agreed to organize a Session on: "Access to sustainable energy in African Cities" during the Africities 9 Summit. General goal : To organize exchanges between peers and partners on the challenges and issues of access to sustainable energy in order to enable African cities to identify in their vision and mandate what are the levers of action allowing them to have access to sustainable energy clean and durable. Specific goals :
  • Define the fundamentals and main concepts of access to sustainable energy;
  • Present the issues and approaches covering this concept;
  • Discuss the positioning of access to sustainable energies in the dynamics of ecological transition, in particular for the achievement of, and understand how SDG 5 applies to a territory;
  • Share existing best practices in African and non-African intermediary cities;
  • Identify the levers of action to enable them to have access to sustainable energy;
  • Create a community of practice around the theme of access to sustainable energy.





Parallel Sessions