Sessions on the Transition
20 May
20 May
16:30 to 18:00
Venue: Room 5
The Sustainable Urban Economic Development Programme (SUED) in Kenya supports climate smart municipal planning to attract investment for climate-resilient infrastructure and value chain projects, thereby reducing vulnerability from climate induced economic impacts. SUED is working closely with 12 Kenyan municipalities to better manage and adapt to climate impacts, supporting integration of early warning systems that respond to specific climate disasters e.g., drought and flooding, to ensure appropriate, speedy, and sustainable climate interventions. Climate vulnerability analysis is integrated into the master-planning processes to find locally applicable solutions and to develop climate-smart urban economic plans. This enables cities to identify infrastructure projects that can be climate proofed to promote resilience in the face of mitigating increased urban carbon emissions.
First, this session is organised to share lessons of how the programme has worked with the municipalities to improve the climate resilience of their urban environments and drive sustainable economic development. In it, session participants and various country representatives will see how the municipalities are defining their vision by outlining how they will build their infrastructure to better service the population, develop decongested urban centers that enables their residents to live and work sustainably in well-planned towns that absorb direct and indirect impacts of climate change.
Second, the session will address how its key to embed a strong climate resilience lens within the urban economic planning process to help intermediary cities identify climate change adaptation actions. In doing so municipalities (intermediary cities) are able to embrace climate change adaptation planning and develop climate resilience infrastructure that will ensure that their urban centers face minimal disruption from adverse weather and their economic gains are safeguarded. The session will demonstrate how critical it is to work with the intermediary towns’ leadership to strengthen their resilience against climate shocks as way of ensuring national level urban resilience.
The sessions objectives are to:
- Share best practices on climate (adaptation and mitigation from SUED supported intermediary cities) and how to integrate them into urban planning.
- Demonstrate how SUED has partnered with intermediary cities to harness the potential of urban areas as engines of inclusive and climate resilient growth
M. Vincent Lilanda
Eunice Ogolo
Victor Gathogo
Climate Change and Environmental Impact Advisor
Benjamin Smith
SUED’s Urban Economic Planning Team
Hassannoor Abdullahi
Hassannoor Abdullahi - Mandera Municipal Manager
Moses Munga
Kilifi County
Simon Elliot
SUED’s Urban Planning Team Lead
Vassiliki Kravva
SUED’s Cities and Urban Infrastructure and Economics Lead
Parallel Sessions
- 2:30 to 20:00 SPO-04| Meeting with the ministers` Venue: Room 1
- 2:30 to 20:00 SPO-05| Meeting of development partners Venue: Room 3
- 2:30 to 18:00 SOU-45|The territorization of the 2030 agenda condition for successful implemantation of the SDGs Venue: Room 12
- 4:30 to 18:00 SOU-92|Mobilizing resources through technological innovations Venue: Room 11
- 16:30 to 18:00 SOU-38| Climate and water resilient intermidiary cities in Africa: Harnessing nature Venue: Salle 10
- 16:30 to 18:00 SOU-69| SDG Cities: localisation of the sustainable development goals co-created by the youth Venue: Room 8
- 2:30 to 18:00 SOU-35| Digital transformation of local and regional governments in Morocco Venue: Room 7
- 2:30 to 20:00 SOU-31| Mainstreaming safety planning across all sphere of government using the UN system wide guideline on safer cities and human settlement Venue: Salle 6
- 2:30 to 18:00 SOU-46| Land readjustment in Egypt, the hayenna project Venue: Salle 13
- 2:30 to 18:00 SOU-03| COVID-19 response & adaptation subnational governments at the forefront of service to citizens in covid-19 environment Venue: Room 14
- 2:30 to 18:00 SOU-76| Waste: better health, environment and livelihoods in Africa Venue: Room 16
- 16:30 to 18:00 SOU-76| Circular construction and housing in Sub-Sahara Africa Venue: Room 16
- 16:30 to 18:00 SOU-61| Closing the service gap in intermediate cities: how to better integrate water and sanitation into urban policies, strategies and plans Venue: Room 17
- 2:30 to 18:00 SOU-48| The contribution of intermediary cities in promoting local economic development Venue: Room 18
- 2:30 to 18:00 SOU-74 presentation of research findings on informality and inequality in intermediary cities of Africa: a case study of Kisumu city; Kenya Venue: Room 19
- 2:30 to 18:00 SOU-58| The communes of Burundi leave nobody behind local development Venue: Room 20