Youth Session

JOU-07 | Intermediary And Inclusive Cities: What Places For Young African People?

19 May

19 May

9:30 to 18:00

Venue: Hall B


United Cities and Local Governments of Africa

Tel: +212(0)537 260 062




UCLG AFRICA, YOUTH AND GENDER DEPARTMENT Young Africans aged 35 and under, represent three quarters of the total population of the continent, they are divided equally between urban and rural areas from where they face the challenges of these territories. Between these two territories, intermediary cities occupy a strategic place in the insertion and inclusion of young people as actors in the city, as the latter two are called upon, together, to support the development of the continent. However, the issue of youth policies seems to be the weak link in the government mechanisms, both at national and local level, put in place to meet the needs of young people. Economically, African cities are struggling to produce decent jobs for young people because the mismatch between the training offered (vocational and diploma) and the jobs available shows a lack of knowledge of some of the realities on the ground. Present but under-represented in decision-making places, young Africans are also politicians, entrepreneurs, artists, students, researchers, journalists, scientists... but also unemployed, marginalized, under-qualified, in prey to the risks and crises of society. This state of affairs, which maintains a certain precariousness among young people, pushes them to lose interest in politics in general, and in the development of their cities. What is being done at the political level to interest young people in the future of their cities? How do intermediary cities intend to take advantage of the continent's demographic advantage and make young people the strong link in their development? This first session will address the key themes for which African youth plays and could play a decisive role, in particular local governance, youth policies at national and territorial level, youth empowerment and entrepreneurship... Panel 1 : Wandile S. Themba, CEMR Mayor, Ibticem Attitallah (Sfax); Joseph Ojuki (Organization of African Youth -Kenya); Nabil Badreldin ( Egypt ) Panel 2 : Hon. Sathya Naidu (Victoria City) Adelaide Hirwe (AU); Clément Fabreguette (CEMR); Dede Akpedje Messan (Lomé); UNESCO representative; Therese Faye Diouf Panel 3 : Rebecca GATANG'I (SACN), Frederik TCHOUNGUI; Guest (TBC); Didier Drogba (CIV); Jefferson T. Koijee (Monrovia)





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