Mahamoudou Wadidie
General Director, Regional Development Agency of Bamako
is General Director of the Bamako District Regional Development Agency. ADR, created in 2015, is in charge of planning, preparation, programming and implementation of local authority development operations as well as the management of local authority services and the mobilization of resources for the financing of regional and local development. For nearly 10 years, Mahamoudou WADIDIE has devoted his entire professional activity to the challenges of developing cities and municipalities in developing countries. Thanks to his wide experience in the management of major projects and programs, he is involved in all stages of the project cycle (identification, feasibility, support-advice, evaluation, training). He advises the national contracting authorities in structuring structuring projects. He leads trainings and seminars, assumes missions of support to project management. He also has expertise in the diagnosis of works with a perfect knowledge of building materials and a solid experience of building systems in local materials, active activist for the promotion and popularization of local materials. He is an accredited expert with courts and tribunals of Mali; Founding member and President of the Association BATISSEURS SANS FRONTIERE of Mali and Member of the National Evaluation Committee for experimental buildings in the Republic of Mali.